I joined Bart in February 2023 as part of the 20-month Marketing & Sales graduate scheme of the Fuchs Group. The scheme does not only include the rotation within the different Marketing & Sales departments at Fuchs Germany and continuous mentoring but also enables a two-month assignment to one of their subsidiaries abroad.
My role at Bart is primarily to get an understanding of the Marketing and Sales processes by actively working on different projects within the Commercial department. However, it did not take long for me to realize that I am particularly interested in Category Management. It was very motivating that Bart allowed me the flexibility to focus on my interests and deepen my knowledge in this area, although I was initially following a schedule for my assignment.
Adding to it, Bart gave me the opportunity to extend my assignment which I did, and which came along with expanding my area of responsibility gaining valuable experience from a wider Marketing perspective.
What I appreciate the most at Bart is their open communication culture and the trust they put in their employees. My colleagues treated me as a full team member from day one which made it easy to familiarize myself quickly to the new surroundings. Therefore, anyone that thinks about joining Bart will be seen as a valuable team member whose input and ideas will be taken seriously.